Racine Unified High School students perform
vision screenings for elementary students as
part of a grant to Prevent Blindness Wisconsin.

Our work is funding the people who make Racine County better.
Through our competitive grants process, we provide financial support to the nonprofit organizations strengthening our Racine County community. Our mission is to forever provide this funding to support their essential projects and programs, and to always be a collaborative partner to these hardworking organizations. They give so much to so many, and we exist to give back to them.
Photo courtesy grant recipient Racine Revitalization Partnership.

Our areas of focus
Arts & Culture
Community Development
Human Services

Eligibility requirements
To apply for a grant, your organization must meet the following requirements.
501 (C)(3) or
Fiscal Sponsorship
Organizations applying for a grant from the Racine Community Foundation must be not-for-profit with 501(c)(3) status and must have received their tax-exempt determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service. We require a copy of this letter in your application package. If you do not have 501(c)(3) status, you may still apply if your fiscal sponsor is a 501(c)(3) and you follow the steps in our fiscal sponsorship certification form.
Racine County
All organizations seeking funding must be located in Racine County, provide services in Racine County, or provide services to Racine County residents. Priority is given to organizations that are located in Racine County.
Letter of Intent
January 31
Before you may apply, all organizations must first submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) by January 31 of the calendar year. All grant cycles follow the calendar year. You may only apply if your LOI is accepted. You will be notified by email whether or not your LOI is accepted. If January 31 has passed and you have not submitted your LOI for the calendar year, you must wait until the next calendar year to do so. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, but it is a policy we cannot break.
invite only
You will be notified by email if your LOI is accepted and you are invited to apply. At this time, you will be assigned a specific grant cycle (spring, summer or fall) in which your application will be reviewed. You will also receive an invitation to create your application in our online portal, and you will be provided a specific range of dates during which you may apply. You will be mailed a letter notifying you if your grant is funded or denied.

Proposal criteria
Grant proposals should meet the following criteria.
Focus areas
Your proposal must be related to one of our six focus areas: Arts & Culture, Community Development, Education, Environment, Healthcare or Human Services.
Your proposal must attend to basic community needs.
Your proposal and your organization must demonstrate the ability to achieve and sustain significant and long-term impact.
Objectives & outcomes
Your proposal must possess well-defined objectives and measurable outcomes that improve the quality of life in our community.
Additional funding
Your proposal must include financial commitments from funding organizations other than the Racine Community Foundation.
If your organization wishes to pursue funding from RCF, please read our printable Guidelines for Grantseekers. This spells out the eligibility and proposal requirements above and details additional guidelines.