Here for
Racine County.
Our work is funding the people who make Racine County better.
Since 1975, the Racine Community Foundation has funded the incredible nonprofit organizations working hard, every day, to improve lives throughout Racine County. Our grants fund non-profits located in or serving Racine County. Our grant recipients work in the arts & culture, community development, educational, environmental, health and human services fields to improve the quality of life for every Racine County resident. If you live, work or play in Racine County, you’ve benefitted from this work and our support of it. Because of our well-managed, $78+ million endowment, we’ll do this work forever.
Additionally, many private donors create scholarship funds to help more Racine County students attend college. We manage 40+ scholarship funds established by forward-thinking community individuals, families, and civic leaders who understand education is the foundation for a better future.
If you’re thinking about ways to make an impact here in Racine County, consider speaking with us about a tax-deductible charitable contribution. We make it easy for you to create exactly the legacy you wish, whether you choose for it to begin now or as a bequest. With our help, your prudent savings will make Racine County better, forever.

Our areas of focus
Arts & Culture
Community Development
Human Services

Our Impact
thousand grants given since 1975
million given every year
million given since 1975